students walking on campus sidewalk


Picture of building on campus


Male and female student smiling


Small Classes. Big Opportunities.

The Harriet L. KU体育官网APP威尔克斯荣誉学院是美国唯一一所大学附属学院, free-standing honors college. Located in 木星, FL on the John D. MacArthur campus of Florida Atlantic, this close-knit, 住宅, 高选择性的文理学院提供独特的全荣誉课程,周围环绕着世界知名的科研机构, 我们的本科生在哪里获得了无与伦比的研究实习机会.

从广泛的学科和跨学科的学习计划中进行选择, enjoy small classes all taught by accomplished professors, and pursue limitless internship and study abroad opportunities. Are you interested in conducting world-class scientific research, representing a country in a Model United Nations competition, interning in a business, studying in another country, or serving in student government? As one student put it, "the opportunities here are mind-boggling!我们的建议是? Pursue what inspires and challenges you the most.

Why Choose the Wilkes Honors College? Graduate and Professional Success Starts Here.

Interested in science or medicine? 你可以在世界一流的研究实验室实习,为神经科学的新发现做出贡献, marine biology, or cancer research. Our 木星 campus boasts the Scripps 研究 Institute-Florida, the Max Planck Institute for Neuroscience, 佛罗里达大西洋脑研究所和木星生命科学计划. 有抱负的海洋生物学家可以在佛罗里达大西洋附近的海港分支海洋研究所实习! 威尔克斯荣誉学院的学生有前所未有的机会与世界级的研究科学家一起工作.

Have a strong desire to pursue a career in medicine? 即将入学的新生可以申请我们的威尔克斯医学学者计划, a highly selective, early admission program into the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine.

对法律、艺术、外交、历史或社会创业感兴趣? 我们有特殊的项目和机会,可以让你为任何职业做好准备——即使是那些还不存在的职业!

成果:我们培养学生成为参与公民和成功的专业人士. Our alumni are doctors, 科学家们, 老师, 律师, community leaders, business professionals and MORE. 无论KU体育梦想是什么,你都将为KU体育下一步做好充分的准备.

ACCESS: Our students come from a wide array of backgrounds, and we enjoy a richly diverse and inclusive community. Many are the first in their family's history to attend college.

价值:大多数被威尔克斯荣誉学院录取并寻求他们的第一个学士学位的学生都会获得基于成绩的奖学金, and many students receive need-based aid. The majority of our students graduate with zero college debt, 其他大学的平均水平比公立大学的全国平均水平低1万美元, and much less than the average for private colleges.

住在校园里:威尔克斯荣誉学院是一所住宿学院. All incoming freshmen live on campus their first two years. 学生可以在配有高速互联网和有线电视的四室套房中享受独立卧室.

校园生活:校园里有很多特别的活动,比如现场音乐表演, 学生聚会和庆祝活动,促进积极和包容的社区. 学生 are minutes from convenient shopping and nearby amenities, as well as beautiful parks, 水路和健康的户外乐趣,可以享受在我们全年温和和阳光充足的气候.

Have questions or need MORE information? We're here to help!

电邮至 或打电话 561.799.8646.

Nicholas Moy and Rachel Kavalakatt successfully competed at e-Fest, winning funds for their start-up company, Glaucova.

Wilkes Honors College 学生 Earn Funding for Start-up


能力 Hosts 55th Annual Honors Convocation

KU体育官网APP校长Stacy Volnick和临时教务长Russell Ivy最近主持了该大学第55届年度荣誉大会 MORE

KU体育官网APP校友和社区参与举办了一年一度的名人堂和杰出校友颁奖典礼和招待会. In attendance were, front row, from left, Katie Burke, Ph.D., assistant vice president of alumni and community engagement; Woody De Othello; Rigaud Joseph, Ph.D.; Pablo Paez; Ted Toomer, Ed.D.; Jean Seaver; and Justine Avila, chair of the 能力 校友 Association Board. Back row, from left, Carly Yoost; Daniel Chauss, Ph.D.; Phillip Parker; 能力 President Stacy Volnick, Ph.D.; Angela S. Prestia, Ph值.D.; Edward Fulton, M.D.; Mihai Fonoage, Ph.D.; and David Green, interim vice president of institutional advancement.

能力 Honors 2024 Hall of Fame Inductees and Distinguished 校友

KU体育官网APP校友和社区参与最近举办了一年一度的名人堂 & Distinguished 校友 Award Ceremony and Reception. MORE

KU体育官网APP的三名学生被提名为2024年金水学者, the third consecutive year 能力 students have earned this honor.

Three 能力 学生 Recognized as 2024 Goldwater Scholars

KU体育官网APP的三名学生被提名为2024年金水学者, the third consecutive year 能力 students have earned this honor. MORE

Scuba divers, Coral Reef Sponges, U.S. Virgin Islands


能力研究人员及其同事的一项研究首次评估了海绵在美国的底物再定殖.S. 维尔京群岛在两次灾难性风暴后通过基因分析. MORE

事件 看到所有

  • 学生 intern on campus with world-renown 科学家们
  • Over 100 students have co-authored publications
  • 70% of graduates go on to graduate and professional programs
  • Most students receives a merit-based scholarship
  • 外交专业获得了37项国家级和国际学术优秀奖

Jannatul Begum
Jannatul Begum

Jannatul Begum毕业于Lake Worth社区高中,带着对神经科学的兴趣来到了威尔克斯荣誉学院. 正如Jannatul解释的那样,“我选择HC是因为它的班级规模小,互动式强.... 阅读更多


迈克尔·伯格从佛罗里达州霍乐迪的安克洛特高中来到威尔克斯荣誉学院. A Flager Scholar, 迈克尔选择了这个专业,这样他就有机会从事教育或国外的职业... 阅读更多

摩根索 '05

Dr. 摩根·凯布尔是帕萨迪纳NASA喷气推进实验室天体生物学和海洋世界小组的研究科学家和小组主管, 加州. She worked on the Cassini 任务 as a Project Science... 阅读更多

Olivia Ducram
Olivia Ducram '20

奥利维亚在哈丽特·威尔克斯荣誉学院开始了她的大一学习. After receiving an invitation to attend Scholar’s Day, Olivia was awarded the Henry Morrison Flagler scholarship, which provides her with internship... 阅读更多

DR. CaÑete quesada因在1960年代和1970年代与好莱坞电影工业中的罗姆人合作而获得著名的资助.

Congratulations to Dr. 卡门Cañete奎萨达获得了美国哲学学会颁发的富兰克林奖! With these funds, Dr. Cañete奎萨达最近前往马德里和Almería,西班牙参观档案... 阅读更多

jacqueline fewkes

Jacqueline Fewkes, Ph.D., 是KU体育官网APP校长奖的杰出教师领导的社区参与参与教学的获得者吗. Dr. Fewkes is one of the three faculty members awarded... 阅读更多